Microservices-k8's flask-app Deployment on kubeadm


2 min read

Setting up Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm

Master and Worker nodes created

You can verify the same on the worker node You will see taskmaster container is running

Building image of flask-app

clone microservices k8's app: https://github.com/LondheShubham153/microservices-k8s.git

Building image from Dockerfile

Login to Docker Hub:

Pushing image to DockerHub:

Create a namespace for this project and deploy manifest files under this namespace one by one:

Deployment of MongoDB in Kubernetes Cluster

-Integrate Persistent volume and Persistent volume claim
Create Persistent volume:

Create a folder on Workernode at specified path: /home/ubuntu/mongodata before creating a mongo persistent volume:

Claim Persistent volume:

Deploy mongo-db

The mongo-db pod is running:

Mongo-svc file:

Open port 30007 on the worker node in the security group:

Deployment of taskmaster in kubernetes cluster

taskmaster.yml file is the deployment file.


Open port 30007 on the worker node in the security group:

You can take the worker node IP and check taskmaster has deployed successfully. taskmaster microservice has deployed successfully in the Kubeadm cluster:

Testing my flask app

You have successfully Deployed Flask app with MongoDB on kubeadm Kubernetes cluster.๐Ÿ’ฅ

"Thank you for reading my blog! Happy Learning!!!๐Ÿ˜Š

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